Part 3: Checking In Hotel Dusk

New Music: Straight Chaser

Sometimes, when Kyle wants to ask a question, the question will scroll above him. White question mark means you can ask it to multiple people.
New Music: Monochrome

This is the front desk, as helpfully written on the bottom (right) screen. We'll examine things first before checking in.
You can walk around by holding in the direction you want to go. The icons are, from left to right, open doors, items, examine, and menu.
Most of them are self explanatory, but open doors can only be done when there are doors to open.

Let's examine the sofa first.
Music: Straight Chaser

When examining, you can tap an item to get a closer look and/or Hyde's comments. You can change the perspective with the scroller on the bottom right. The icons from left to right means memo, items, and back.
Lamp Wonder if the shade on that table lamp used to be white.
Lamp table The end table's covered in dust. Hope the rooms are cleaner.
Sofa Leather sofa, huh? Looks like it's been around the block a few times.
Table Solid little table. Too bad it's all nicked up.
Poster Nice bikini. Too bad a girl like that would never stay in a place like this.

Zoomed-in poster Wonder how many losers have imagined she was looking at them?
Plaque It's the hotel business permit. I bet it's expired.
Sticker There's a sticker underneath the frame

You can't actually examine the zoomed-in sticker. It is probably important.
License There's a license plate on the wall. Did a mechanic decorate this dump?
Dart board A clock that looks like a dartboard. What is this, a frat house?
And that's everything to examine around the sofa. We should probably note the number down.

Yes, Kyle has different sprites for looking at the note and writing on the note

Next up, the counter.

TV There's a TV at the end of the counter.

Zoomed-in TV It's an older model with a pair of rabbit ears. Classy.
Knobs There's a power switch and a channel selector

Note There's a note stuck to the side of the TV.

Clipboard Hey, it's a clipboard. That settles it, there's gotta be somebody around here.
Shelf There's an old shelf with cubbyholes behind the counter.
Table Calendar It's a calendar. Great, now I can keep track of how long I've been standing here.
Wall Calendar There's a calendar on the wall. It's even in sync with the one on the counter.
Table There's no one at the front desk.
Telephone A telephone. Am I supposed to call someone to help me?
Bell Guy's got a bell on the counter. Nice touch.

And then it goes into a minigame. Just tap the bell 3 times to call someone.
No, it's not Ghost Trick where ringing 3 times is the rule. The employees are just to neglectful.

New Music: Hangover Blues

How charming.

Sometimes when talking there will be a yellow triangle. Pressing it allows Kyle to press the other person. Usually there's no reason not to press.

Pressing will always bring up a dialogue choice after a line of dialogue from Kyle. Alright, now you guys can vote...
Did you call me Rosa?
Just kidding! If I allow voting for every single choice we might not finish until 2020. So I'll be picking ALL the choices.

Maybe that's because you're NOT DOING YOUR JOB?

Suites are for chumps.

It's just rubbing the stylus/mouse on the form. I promise it gets more interesting later!

By the way, during all minigames, there are no music. It continues after the minigame is finished.

What's your problem?!

orange question are the most common question, which can only be asked to one specific person.

It's got the room number and the word "Wish" engraved on it.

That means everyone said that before! You know, double negatives and all that.

What story?

(??? Where wishes are granted? ???)
I'm not going to GIF all questions since there are too many. Questions will be denoted by (??? Questions ???) and all of them are orange unless otherwise noted.

New Music: Rainy Night

This is the questions screen. You can ask the questions obtained. Every character also has special response asking what you read/write if you open/write on your notebook.
You can also show or give them items.
Read note

Write note

Show pager

Show room 215 key

Show hotel brochure

Show others

We will always ask the questions from the top.
Not that it matters, since this update is long enough already. We'll ask the questions next time.